Posebox Catalog links are at this website. Lachesis' Posebox Catalog

Monday, February 8, 2010

Posebox Catalog Now Has Official Site

Lachesis' PB Catalog is now online. Finally after months of trying to figure this out, with Goodbye_sun's ever generous support and help, it's finally far enough along to post.

This site is a baby at this time, and ugly as hell. There are no links to anything except the boxes. Links to tags and relevant sites will be added along the way. We have a handful of boxes yet to get ready to upload and we should then be caught up, but the creators are adding new boxes all the time.

Thank you everyone for the help and support, and I hope you all find this new catalog easier to use and more helpful than the last.

The present catalog will remain up for the next couple of months, once everyone is used to using the new one it will be removed.

Take care,