Posebox Catalog links are at this website. Lachesis' Posebox Catalog

Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Simfic50 and Other News

A few items today. First a new simfic50 finally, and a new Sébastien to boot. Prompt 42 - Deception.

Next week Guardian's Key starts at Sea of Moons. At this point in time, I'm not sure what the schedule's going to be since Wake the Dead at Lachesis' Tales is not ready to start yet. I may post weekly on Sundays, or it may remain as bi-weekly still on Sundays, working on Wake the Dead behind the scenes on the off week until it's ready to be added to the schedule.

Whatever I decide, Guardian's Key is off and running next week and with that in mind, I give you the below teaser picture. This picture will not be seen in the story, but it will be explained very quickly.

cheripye has done an incredible job giving Kai a new home and business. We both want to thank you so very much for all your hard work, and all the cool new cc that's now at my fingertips to use at will. ;D (More pictures in the future, the lot's too beautiful not to be shared in depth.)

Thank you all for reading!

Take care,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pose Box Catalog Updated

New poses to all but weapons and couples.

Off to do something else productive. :D

Take care,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bonus Update at SoM

Sometimes I come up with something that just will not fit nicely into a slot and this is one of those times. This update came to me out of the blue and I knew I just had to pass it on.

Ghalt's Kader (Fate) has been posted at SoM. It stands alone and bridges The Search for Nanda and Guardian's Key.

I don't normally throw warnings up for my stories either, but since Ghalt's world is a bit deprived, I'm doing so this time.

This update has very strong language and nudity. Not going to it will not change your understanding of the other stories in any way if you choose not visit this update.

Thank you all for reading!

Take care,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Some Strangeness from My Game Playing :D

TS2 :

I really thought I read somewhere that with the ACR hack they wouldn't woohoo where they could be caught. Caught I think this is more than just caught. :D Quinn was certainly enjoying the show - or maybe not since at the time she was his girlfriend although she wound up marrying the guy she's woohooing. Quinn's immortal, maybe he's seen stuff like this in his past. This was strictly autonomous. I spend hours posing Sims for storytelling, I'll be damned if I'll do that when I'm playing. :D

I couldn't resist. I'm a cat owner. I've seen that face every time I hug one of my cats.

Ever wonder what they're really doing in the photobooth when they're supposed to be woohooing?

These are the two from the couch above. A little too close, I think.

I really love the looks on the animals' faces with the toddlers. Yeah, EA got it right.

Oops. One of Sally's kids. :D

Lousy timing. Sally's married to a vampire and she uses the elixir of life to stay young. They have the absolutely best looking kids.


This is a weird glitch I get. I don't know if it's my system, or graphic card, neither of which are the best, but not really that bad, either. Anyway, "resistance is futile."

I gave up and downloaded aikea_guinea's default replacement skin and chest hair overlay. Both of which have definitely improved Tris.

This is Sireta's son Valon. They're at the beach where she took him. She's teaching him to talk. I just really liked this picture. :D

Now you know where I've been. SoM will absolutely be back up and running September 6. I'm not sure at this time when Wake the Dead will start.

Take care,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August Challenge at Sim Haven

After fighting with the Live Journal's formatting for two days, my wonderful husband came to the rescue and I can finally say the August Challenge - the word Awestruck - has been posted over at Sim Haven.

Take care,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hey Guys!

Just popping in very quickly to say:

New poses boxes every catalog but Weapons. Some nice new couple poses added. You know the drill.

Take care,