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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ever Wonder How Kerrin Became a Vampire?

Simfic50 prompt 016. Death at Lachesis' Falderal.

Have you ever tried to take serious pictures of an EA poker game? If you're lucky 1 out of 10 pictures will be usable, and that's spending a good amount of time just watching the game play hoping for a decent expression. I never realized before how stupid a Sim looks playing poker.

Chryses makes the cutest kid. She is always so serious. :)

She also makes a very good looking man. Meet her father, Cael. And if you think you recognized Kerrin's bar, you do, although at this time he doesn't own it.

Enjoy. A new Guardian's Key update will appear sometime during the week since I've dropped the Sunday update schedule. As you can see, it also gives me time to add extras from time to time.

Thank you all for reading!

Take care,

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