I have added a new catalog for instruments. There turned out to be many more of them than I'd originally thought.
Hopefully, next week will be back to storytelling as usual.
Something a little different, below is the Sim I'm presently messing around with in TS3. He's actually not too bad looking. I'm sure there are some people out there who can make a TS3 Sim look as good as a TS2 Sim, but I haven't been able to manage that, not that I've tried real hard either. But I am rather pleased with Gage and to my total amazement he was an EA created Sim to begin with that I just made a few changes to. Now, I'll admit straight up, I play the game pretty much vanilla. I've merely added custom skin defaults and a chest hair overlay, that's it for Non-EA cc and hacks. TS3 is used for playing - period.
Take care,
I'll give you a random secret about TS3 sims-- it's all in the lighting. Overhead lighting makes them look really bad. Outdoor lighting is sometimes the same way.
But that's a very cute sim!
Yay for getting a few things done this weekend!
I don't know what I would do without your pose-box catalog. Refer to it constantly, I truly appreciate all the hard work you and others have put into this.
Sims 3 guys are looking better I must admit, (your guy IS cute) Lunar Fox has some yummy ones, for example. But esthetically, I still prefer Sims 2 guys, JMO, natch.
Hey Lunar Fox! I did notice that some lights do make them look better, and dawn and dusk usually make them look softer. I do like TS3 when I want to play, but don't want to be bothered loading tons of crap. There are some things you can do with setting up the Sim I really like. I like being able recolor anything any time, because of that I never feel the need to download something that looks better. There are advantages to TS3 as far as playing is concerned, but I'll stick with my TS2 for storytelling, it just works exactly like I want it to, personal preference, of course. Although, I do have an idea for something short and sweet using TS3 if I ever get around to it. ;)
If I remember correctly, he was a premade Sim not a random one, so he should be available to anyone. :D
Hey G_s. Yeah, Yay! Now, if Picasa hadn't been taking the slow boat I wouldn't need to finish uploading the rest of what I do have completed during the evenings this week. :p The upload times were so painful I had to stop and actually do some household chores yesterday. :p
Hey Drew. Me, too, actually. The catalog cuts my storytelling time in half. Without it I'd just use three or four boxes and call it good. I don't use many more than that on a regular basis, but every update will get at least one special box or two to get just what I want. ;)
Me, too, I'd take Braden, Lorcan or Kai over any TS3 guy I've seen. ;)
I so need to get back into you PB site, I really need it especially now with all the things. Gage is very good looking for TS3 I will be honest the graphics really pull me but the sims suck... How these creators get them looking so good completely fails me, LOL!
Hey cheripye! The PB site does help and since you seem to be getting back into things... ;)
I agree, the graphics are nice, and there are some customizations you can do with the sims I really like, but getting them to look good is a challenge, and the very few children I've had born in game are usually even worse. :p My exception to that was Leta and Yuri's son, but since I deleted all my early hoods, that included them.
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