If you like Drew's Sims Stories, you might be interested to know she's on the verge of publishing her first novella to Evernight Publishing. A very spicy time travel romance and, having firsthand knowledge (she thinks I critique her stuff to be helpful, little does she know it's because I want a free read), an excellent read. Coming later this month, give it a looksee if you're interested.
Karyn Gerrard
Now there's me. I've made a number of comments recently that I was working on another "project". Well that project is to follow in Karyn's footsteps and be published. I've finished editing and updating an old romantic suspense manuscript, which I've entered in a contest and will soon start getting ready for publisher submission. Now that that's finished, I'm working on what I hope will be a quick paranormal novella which I can also get out. Then it's back to a manuscript called Just Call it Magic. Another paranormal which I hope will be around 75,000-80,000 words.
So, busy? Yeah, a bit, but I'm also going to start squeezing in the conclusion of Guardian's Key into that mix.
Want to keep up with my pen name? You can visit my writing blog Beyond Normal. Don't expect much, however, I'm worse at updating there than I am here. :)
Take care everyone,
I'm tired just reading that list O:
Hi Lachesis, I'm following Drew with great anticipation and look forward to reading her first book.
I'm exited over your projects and will be hopefully reading your publishings in the not to distance future, if Guardian's Key is anything to go by your books will be brilliant.
The conclusion of Guardians Key, sob, sob but look forward to reading it.
Good luck in the contest.
Wow, this made my morning. Thank you for the plug, much appreciated.
Just sent in the second round of edits, so we shall see how this goes! Getting a little nervous, getting published means stripping yourself bare for scrutiny, but, doing the sim stories has been a good test run on a lot of levels.
And you, my friend, will be next, I can feel it.
Thanks for everything. Light in dark place, yadda, yadda, all that. *snort*
G_S, feel the same way when I read yours. :D
Could be worse, at least the contest is in and since I had to use a completed manuscript, one more read through and it'll be ready to enter the fray.
Hey Iron Mum, me too. I know she made changes after my last reading of it, so I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Aw, thanks, yeah me too. I almost made it back in the 90's, maybe this time I really will. :)
Not to worry, we're only starting the 2nd half of GK, so it'll be awhile yet, lots of things left to resolve. Like who really did kill Jocosta and where is Kerrin? And let's not forget: What's Pele really up to?
Again, thank you, I can use all the good luck I can get. :D
Hey Drew, You're welcome. I double plugged you, I did it at Beyond Normal, too. :D
Aw, don't worry, you'll do fine.
Oh, great, now I have "You Light Up my Life" stuck in my head. Christ, thanks. I owe you an email, I'll get to it after I get out of my ball in the corner where I've gone nuts because this song's going around in my head.
Off to work on the novella.
"You Light up my life, you give me hope to carry..."
Iron mum, thanks so much for the kind words.
And I can guarantee you it will be no time at all before Lachesis is published. It is inevitable.
And yes, Lachesis, good luck in contest~
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