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Sunday, June 2, 2013

EA Created Mist Hollow!

I've really enjoyed using TS3 to finish Guardian's Key. Yeah, I know, the characters' features aren't as well developed, and honestly, I agree with anyone who thinks Kerrin lost some of his cute. But seriously, working with it has stirred my creative ideas around enough that I have some new short ideas brewing. I've continued to tweak with the features of the characters that will probably be around for a while in hopes of making the differences a little less noticeable. And yay for any new character that can just be cool on his or her own. ;)

Even with the excitement of a new ideas, the thought of recreating Mist Hollow, Sea of Moons, and the surrounding islands was very daunting. A project I wasn't particularly looking forward to. Then EA announced Dragon Valley, a new world from The Sims 3 Store, and I was thrilled with the idea. The reality has been wonderful. The very ideas I'd used to create Dagon - the mixture of medieval and modern, magique and technology - are alive in Dragon Valley.

 Oh, yeah, this is most definitely the Guildmaster's Hall. No doubt about it.

I was one of those who voted for archery and violins in the TS3 poll.

Is that a black and white rat? Yup, that does give us that medieval feel, doesn't it Zeus? Are you stretching? What kind of a mouser are you?

This is without a doubt one of my favorite places in Dragon Valley, er, Sea of Moons. It has such a feel of Cyan's Myst series that I fell in love with it the moment I saw it.

 I love this lighthouse.

And this cool dragon is just perfect for Ghalt, don't you think? What you thought Ghalt was going to stay locked up forever? You don't know Ghalt.

And what do I really love about TS3? The things you couldn't do in a million years with TS2. Telaan and Glinstorm make a great pair don't they? This is the only way to travel in the northern territories of Neith if you want to get somewhere faster than walking. Or if you know the territory well enough, teleporting is possible. So few people have ever visited, that those who can teleport there are, for the most part, only those who live there.

Thank you EA, Dragon Valley is perfect.

Enough of Dragon Valley, onto the last update to Guardian's Key. This is the end of this tale, but it is in no way the end of story. Sea of Moons is full of tales with characters aplenty to fill them.

Kiseren The White is one of those cool new characters. A white dragon in human form.

Part 11 – The Kiseren Tear

Thank you for reading!

Take care,

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