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Sunday, September 20, 2009

With Days Like This...

This has by far not been my best of days. Nothing has gone right at any point during the day. I even tried to screw up a boxed brownie mix. Now how is that for sad? :p

But despite fighting me every step of the way by snapping out of position despite the fact I was using SL's shelf to place them, I've updated SoM Guardian's Key. Mist Hollow II has been posted. Yes, it is particularly short, but I'm still on the set up chapter. Unfortunately, everyone needs to know where they're going, how they're going to get there and why. :)

Thank you all for reading!

Take care,


cheripye said...

IMS! Yay! WtD cant wait to see what you have, and sorry for the bad day, 80) I have been having those alot lately, LOL! 80)

Unknown said...

Thanks cheripye, No pressure there on a new story. Yikes. Unfortunately, it's going to be a while before I can roll out Kai's home, but as soon as I do, a lot of the action will take place there. The setup chapter comes first. :D

Unfortunately, this weekend was not shining star days for a number of us. :/