Posebox Catalog links are at this website. Lachesis' Posebox Catalog

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Erm, Hi! Remember Me?

Hi, remember me? I'm the one who goes by the strange name Lachesis. You know, the one that comes and goes from here very sporadically.

Well, let me fill you in on the happenings since I was here in April. First, my manuscript is finished and five chapters turned into the editor who requested them. Have I heard back on them yet? No. Unlike epublishers, traditional book publishers take much longer in making decisions, but they do answer.

So, while I wait, I work on the second book in the series - if they reject it, then I'll have more than one to try to sell elsewhere. Also, I play Sims 3 and Dragon Age I & II, and read, lots.


 And realize I really, really miss Sims storytelling. Writing is writing, right?

So, while wandering around the net learning all about Sims 3 Supernatural, I ran across an article that talked about how Generations added a testingcheats that allows basic Sims posing without hacks and cc. And since I've kept TS3 vanilla for years, this is like pennies from heaven. For more than a year I've looked at the game and thought how this would be great in this or that story.

Well, did I let this little gem of information get away? Nooo, I sat right down and started writing and creating Sims. Not just any Sims, mind you. No, I wanted my Sims back - or at least some of them.

So, I present to you immortals Sébastien Baudelaire and Corinne Laroche from my Lachesis' Falderal shorts. Turns out I needed to take their story a bit farther along. I wasn't happy with how I left it.

Yeah, they've been Sims 3-afied and they don't look exactly the same, but listen, did that stop Tim Burton from redesigning the Batmobile? Hell no! If Tim Burton can change tradition, then so can I. (Erm, let's just not discuss Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 'kay.)


I hate allergy season.

Anyway, over at Lachesis' Falderal you'll find prompt #12 Forgiveness.

I hope to be back on a more consistent basis. And before the end of the year, I'll crack open my TS2 game and finish up SoM.

As always, thank you, thank you everyone who's stuck with me and joined me. I'm humbled by the numbers I see on Blogger's stats at how many people are still finding and reading me.

Take care,

(PS: Yes, I do look quite a bit like this Sim. She always freaks me out when I work with her. :D)

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