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Monday, April 22, 2013

Guardian's Key - Illustrated Ending Begins


Yup, I'm finally back to finish Guardian's Key using my Sims. I'd had every intention of doing this very thing in December, but the best laid plans will get trashed every time when ice gets in the way. Slipping on ice while cleaning off my car before Christmas gave me the gift of an external fixator, instead of a cast, to set my broken left wrist. If you don't know what that is, Google it. I'll save you the explanation. Suffice it to say, my arm made grown men cringe. :)

Anyhoo, I'm going to let Lessa and Kerrin tell you about the changes you can expect with Sea of Moons from now on. I hope they don't turn anyone off, but, frankly, there are things about TS3 I prefer over TS2 aaaannnd I really wanted to see what can be accomplished with a vanilla TS3. That, folks, means Lachesis of the posebox catalog thingy isn't using poseboxes. Makes things so much more interesting. (Lachesis)

"Hey, Kerrin, we've been on break so long, I don't think anyone will recognize us anymore. You, Xavier and Telaan, I swear, spent all your time at the gym buffing up."

"Adrostos got a haircut."

"Like I said, Xavier buffed up, but other than that, he's still as snarky as ever. The man can be a trial."

"Lessa, Warlock's a pain in the ass, but he makes sure you're always taken care of even when I can't be around, so that makes him a good guy as far as I'm concerned."

"I'll tell you, Kerrin, I don't know what going on with him and Chryses, but it's enough to make me wonder."

"The man's a flirt. There's nothing going on. I've seen pain in his eyes from time to time. Something happened to him long before he pushed his way into our lives. He'll always keep to himself. And Chryses, I've no idea what she's thinking even when she speaks to me. That Elf's impossible to understand."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. On the other hand, Telaan's meaning is usually plain as day. Eris sure did a number on him, and I'm afraid Nanda's just going to get hurt before it's all over and done with."

"Nanda's a sweet girl, Lessa. If anyone can tame Telaan, it'd be her."

"I really do hope so. What we have is so great, I'd like to see her have it too."

"So, are you up for a game of Juice Pong?"

"You're trying to give me a sugar buzz again, aren't you? Besides, you always win."

"Damn straight. Here we go!"


"Next time we're putting Absinthe in these cups. Damn, this shit is sweet."

"Oh, yeah, that's the way."

"W-what? Again? I can't feel my tongue anymore, I think it's sugar coated."

"Yessss! I won, I won."

"Wow, you do get a little over zealous there don't ya?"

"Believe me, you're nearly impossible to beat. I savior it every chance I get."

"That's me, unbeatable Lessa."

"Our love will always be unbeatable."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you."

"Erm, yes, well, enough of us, I'm sure everyone wants to get reading, so...

"You can read it here:
Morana Part 4
Hope you like our new looks."

(Note: I've done a quite bit of rewriting and correcting just on this first update, so if you wish, you might want to read it again even if you've already finished the story via the rough draft. Also, I'm unlinking the text version. (You can still find the link on the Chapter List page until the new chapters have been completely added.) I tried to figure out what to do with any comments I'd gotten on the original text posts, but I don't know how to put them into the new posts, so I just want to thank those who took the time comment. :)  -Lachesis)

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