It's time for a few answers at the
Sea of Moons. However, that also means more sitting around talking and less action, but sometimes that can't be helped; and answers are always a good thing, no matter what form they take. So the next two updates will take place in the bar, but they bring good story things, too. Although, like any good story, every answer brings more questions with them.

Also, I'm not a seer, so I don't know exactly what's going to happen in the future, but I can tell you this. I've been working on
Guardian's Key, the storyline that follows
The Search for Nanda. I've made good headway, and although it's early days yet, I do have a pretty good idea where it's going, and the Silvanus Elf above plays an important part in it. :D
Also, anyone who's interested, below is one of the SoM wallpapers I use on my computer. It's 1440 x 900.

Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,