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Friday, May 29, 2009

Ok, You Choose Because I Can't

After the Epilogue is posted and after I finish up The Search for Nanda at Sea of Moons (which I will do on consecutive Sundays) it will be time to start a new Lachesis' Tale. So, I've been going back and forth, do I move Angels' Cloud here and finish it up, or do I do Just Call it Magic as I always had planned?

Before you decide, let me say that Just Call it Magic is now and always has been Sébastien Baudelaire's story - in the present. It, like Out of Touch, was originally intended to be sold as a romantic suspense. In fact, I had twelve chapters completed before I set it aside. To make it fit here, I need to rework it, and have been doing just that, just not fast enough. :)

So, since I can't decide what to do - the reason for moving Angels' Cloud to LT would be because it's difficult to tell it within the confines of the simfic50 prompts - what would you like to see?

A complete Angels' Cloud or
Sébastien's story?



thewynd said...

OK that is a tough one...going to mull that over but yeah...you have me pegged...

Unknown said...

:D That's precisely why I decided to ask. It is a tough question.