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Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Simfic50 and Other News

A few items today. First a new simfic50 finally, and a new Sébastien to boot. Prompt 42 - Deception.

Next week Guardian's Key starts at Sea of Moons. At this point in time, I'm not sure what the schedule's going to be since Wake the Dead at Lachesis' Tales is not ready to start yet. I may post weekly on Sundays, or it may remain as bi-weekly still on Sundays, working on Wake the Dead behind the scenes on the off week until it's ready to be added to the schedule.

Whatever I decide, Guardian's Key is off and running next week and with that in mind, I give you the below teaser picture. This picture will not be seen in the story, but it will be explained very quickly.

cheripye has done an incredible job giving Kai a new home and business. We both want to thank you so very much for all your hard work, and all the cool new cc that's now at my fingertips to use at will. ;D (More pictures in the future, the lot's too beautiful not to be shared in depth.)

Thank you all for reading!

Take care,


KDSGS said...

Stunning shot, Cherie rocks in building and designing houses!

Looking forward to Waking the Dead!

And do post more shots of Kai's new home!

Unknown said...

Kai's new home incredible. My husband, who as you may remember built the art gallery, agrees, it's just perfect.

Hey Drew, we know you just want to see another vampire tale out there. LOL I'm hoping to give it a bit of a twist.

Yup, as soon as I get them gathered up, promise.

thewynd said...

I am really looking forward to Wake the Dead as well as Guardian's Key. That lot does look amazing.

Unknown said...

Thanks Gayl, Actually, I really wish I could have gotten Sebastien's story to come together for me, but WtD pushed it's way in, and I had to do it. :) I haven't completely given up on Sebastien, though, and he will continue in the simfic50. :D

Cherie's lot is beautiful, she did a great job.

cheripye said...

Thank you Lachesis! and CC, I am a CC addict... Cant wait for WTD or GK!!! and that picture hmmm.... Fuel for thought! 80)

Unknown said...

Believe me, Cherie, your building this lot has helped tons - I've been re-working some of the story because it's become the base of operations for it. :) And yeah, I noticed you do seem to know where to find some cool stuff.

Oh, good, the picture was supposed to get you wondering. Thank you.