As a rule, I prefer Lachesis Presents to allow TS3 to speak for itself, but the further into the game I've gotten over the past five days, the more I've realized this is not your typical Sims game. In fact, with very few changes, The Adventure Company could package it up and sell it.
Saying that EA has misrepresented this game might be a bit harsh, but I don't think they've made it clear that it's not a vacation spot for your Sims. At least it hasn't been anything like I expected when I bought it. Granted, my reading at the site had been cursory at best, but I don't like to learn a lot ahead of time. I want to play the game and figure it out. Granted, I hadn't expected Bon Voyage, but I most certainly hadn't been expecting a Broken Sword game either.
Anyway, check out my review here: World Adventures - Bon Voyage it Ain't if you're in the least interested in this expansion pack.
I'm now returning to Egypt, I left Galen in the middle of the Great Pyramid...
Take care,