Posebox Catalog links are at this website. Lachesis' Posebox Catalog

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Guardian's Key Update & Misc.

I've recently realized that I'm not happy with the writing on Guardian's Key. And the more I've been writing on Wake the Dead, and the non-Sim story I'm working on, the more I realize just what it is I'm not happy with.

So I've gone back and pulled Guardian's Key out of the finished pile, put finishing Wake the Dead on hold and jumped back into the story. Starting with this update, you'll see more fleshing out of the characters. You'll finally get to see into the head of whichever character the update follows through point-of-view.

This is essentially Kerrin and Lessa's story. The quest belongs to Adrostos, but the story is theirs. You deserve to know how they feel, and finally I'm going to give that to you.

Hopefully, you'll like the new direction the writing is taking. The story has not changed it's still traveling toward its pre-destined end. Nothing can change what the Spirits and kader have planned.

Guardian's Key Savitri, Part II

Also I want to mention a new addition to my pose box links in the sidebar. xtinabobina has a catalog she's been putting together and will be providing poses that you may not find at our pose box catalog. Looking for something you can't find at the catalog? Check out hers here.


Anonymous said...

wow..thanks lachesis :) that was very nice of you to link to me!!!!! i can't thank you enough. I will do the same, of course!

Unknown said...

Hey, no problem, xtina, thank you!