The Catalog has been reorganized to break the poses down into smaller, more manageable groups.
The Posebox Catalog can now be found here. :)
Thank You for all your help!! It's made all the difference in making this catalog what it is. :D
S.B. & Gayl
(12/4/09 - Thank you S.B. and Gayl!)
(5/21/09 - A new catalog was added to take care of all those odds and ends that just do not belong in the other catalogs: Miscellaneous.
Next I want to extend my thanks to:
Synaptic Sims Lair for graciously allowing us to use her screen captures instead of having to take our own. Thank you and great work! For all your super hero and other great cc visit her site.
Also, I want to thank Meralgia for volunteering to help with the pose boxes. Thank you so much (last time, I promise ;D))
4/13/09 - I just noticed a question at the pose box picture gallery and thought I'd post my answer here as well.
I don't actually have the catalogs for download, but if you have a PC just right mouse click on the picture and click save image as. On a Mac with a one button mouse Control Click Save Image As. Or on both Mac and PC just grab the image and drag it to your desktop. If you create folders on your desktop you can also drag or save the images to it.)
(4/11/09 - Since I originally posted this link, the pose box project has grown by leaps and bounds and I see many, many hits to this page. I hope people are finding it as useful as I do.
A few additions are:
Face Overlays by Goodbye_sun at Sim Haven - an extremely useful and very well-done catalog of how face overlays work in conjunction with each other - and her list of useful links at Garden of Shadows. Everything you'll ever need, including links for the pose boxes themselves, to put together a quality Sims2 story.

The real credit for these goes to the creators who have spent the time putting these boxes together. Thank you for making Sims storytelling easier.
Goodbye-sun as well as others have also posted pictures using the pose boxes at Live Journal, and if you want to see the poses used in other ways as well, hop on over to Live Journal.
Remember, this started as a project to help me, so it's not perfect; and it took me some time to figure out what worked best for me, so some of the pictures and captions are not as clear as others. It was a learning experience for me, and I learned along the way. I've also discovered a couple of typos. :D
Take care,
I can't think you enough for tackling this! How often have I wondered where on earth "kneel" was, or a dozen other poses I can never remember.
Thank you!!
Thank you for taking the time to do something like this, the catalogs really come in handy!!! Thanks a lot!!!
You're both very welcome, my pleasure.
I know I can't ever find this stuff, and the kneel seems to be hidden, I found some under sit. Not to mention I have the worse memory as to where they are.
I was looking at the pictures today and noticed a couple of typos; oops. ;D
Actually, since I've finished 14,000+ words on the continuation of my SoM story and I know the next Lachesis Tales, I need this and I know I'm not alone in the sea of pose boxes. :D
Thanks so much, Lachesis! You are so awesome for sharing this. :D I'm am drowning in my pose boxes. THEY ARE OVERTAKING THE LOTS!
OMG I know, I have to be sooo careful not to get the dang box in my shots. What I did with the last steampunk story was look at the catalog pics and type the name of the pose next to where I wanted to use it. It saved tons of time and I was only partway as far with the boxes as what I've put up.
Oh, and you're very welcome, I know how hard it is to remember all these things.
Wow that was a lot of work but you must know how much we all appreciate the time and effort you have put into it so far. Thank you, thank you!
Yes, I do and you're more than welcome. I just hope it helps.
I'd much rather put the time aside to do this than spend all that extra time every update. As you know, I have two stories and the simfic50 going, and I *hate* spending all that extra time trying to remember where I saw a pose and then giving up and using something close but not exact.
It's something I'm sure we all face, so I'm more than happy to share.
Thank you so much for doing this! When I did my last Seasons update there were 28 boxes (and that's not all of them), and various paintings and props sitting out in the hallway. It was crazy! I've been saving the html threads for the boxes as a reference, but I don't think they always show all the poses. This is a godsend!
Okay, Saoz, let me try this again. I started to answer at work when my iMac froze up. After rebooting, calling my husband because we don't have an Apple repair place anywhere near, and he's really good with them, and 4 hours later, I find my Mac has bad memory. :( Bad day at work.
Anyway, you're more than welcome. 28 boxes =:0 That is crazy! No, the sites do not post all pictures, unfortunately, and sometimes, there's just no way to know how the couples go together, either. I do plan to do them all eventually, but it will take time. Hopefully this is a good start though.
:O Thanks, its a great job!
Thank you so very much!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! It is such a Huge help!
You're welcome! Glad they help.
Actually, I like doing them, I just wish I had a bit more time at the moment. As you know, I'm just struggling to get caught up on my reading, and my own writing. :D
Wow!Amazing pose box!!!*o*
Where can I download it?or how? :D
Many of the pose boxes make picture taking and storytelling much better. :)
If you're looking for a way to download the catalog this is it:
If you have a PC just right mouse click on the picture and click save image as. On a Mac with a one button mouse Control Click Save Image As. Or on both Mac and PC just grab the image and drag it to your desktop. If you create folders on your desktop you can also drag or save the images to it. :D
Or, if you're looking for the pose box itself, there's a link in the sidebar to Goodbye_sun's list of pose boxes and other items at Garden of Shadows. Just click the "List of just about everything you'll ever need" link under the Posing Your Sims Heading. :)
Oops, let me clarify that the sidebar I refer to is on this page above.:D
Hey this is awesome!
Thanks so much!
Quick question though, I was looking in the couples catalog and I really liked the poses for the RayE_BoysLovePoseBox V2 but i can't find it anywhere.
where did you find it at?
Thank you Carrie, glad it helps. All the pose boxes are at goodbye_sun's post at Garden of Shadows. A link is in the sidebar above under "List of Just About Everything You'll Ever Need".
But, that said, the box is at:
Thank you so much for doing this! I had actually started to do it in my own game but you've done such a great job that I think I'm just going to sit back and benefit from your hard work! :D Thank you again!
You're very welcome, Carla. We're all storytellers, so we benefit from it, too. :D
I've had a lot of great help getting it to where it is, and we're actually making a dent. We've completed 123 boxes, so if you feel lost when dealing with them, that's why. And we're not done. :)
Omg, this is gonna so useful! I'm so glad S.B. told us about this catalog, I always have a hard time finding poses when I knew they existed, lol. Thank you, Lachesis! :D
You're so welcome, collidingwithme. :)
Sims storytelling is hard enough without having to spend hours finding just that right pose.
Hey, i cant download these :( because i dont know whereeeee! Please tell me anyoneeeeee :]
Hi Sarah, First, I highly recommend you go to this website for the newest catalog with all the pictures separated out into a much more manageable list. Also, it contains almost all the boxes available at this time.
All the boxes are available from a wide variety of sources, so you need this Reference List to locate the boxes.
Now, if what you're looking for is to actually download the catalog, it's not available that way, but if you have a PC just right mouse click on the picture and click save image as. On a Mac with a one button mouse Control Click Save Image As. Or on both Mac and PC just grab the image and drag it to your desktop. If you create folders on your desktop you can also drag or save the images to the folders.
Let me know if I haven't answered your question.
Um.......I don't mean to bother....But where can I download these wonderful boxes.....I would love to try them for my series....
Hi Joshie, no bother. Let me pass on a couple of sites. The Catalog has a new home that's more organized and is where everything we have completed to date can be found, and that is here:
Downloading the boxes:
The easiest way to find them is with this Reference List that Goodbye_sun has put together to make it quick and easy to find the boxes you want to use.
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