I admit, I've been getting farther into Wings of Steel by Mao, and I'm finding that with time and know-how, the pictures can look great. And that's what I want. But, I'm really new to all of this. Despite the fact I've been playing the Sims since Making Magic came out for Sims 1, I only became interested in Sim Fiction in April of this year. I'm way behind everyone who's been doing this for years. Not to mention my bad habit of jumping feet first into any creative endeavor and then pulling back after a while and deciding to learn how to do it right.
So, that's where I am, learning to do it right. Only problem is, this update fought me tooth and nail, but I think I finally won. And I learned a hell of a lot along the way.
Anyway, here's an outtake (one of many) from Destiny, Part 4.
Thank you everyone for reading.
Take care,
Hey, Lachesis! Sorry I've been been behind, but I'm working on catching up. I'm so flattered that you referred to me in regards to pictures. They really aren't they great and I am really, really lazy. I don't spend months editing like some of the more talented folks do... and well, sometimes I edit to make subpar shots seem passable.
I think you're doing an excellent job and it's so cool to watch you grow and learn. :D It's easy to forget you haven't been doing this for years!
Hopefully I can work on getting caught up over the next few days.
Hey, I thought you were off planning your wedding. Thank you for taking time from your very busy schedule, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. And, thank you for the kind words. I guess it helps I just love telling the stories and doing the pictures. And, yes, your pictures are really well staged.
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