Chapter Fifteen has finally made it online. After a few false starts, and an interruption caused by my Photoshopping some of the pictures for the next simfic50 update (and it's still not ready. Soon, however), it's finished and up.
Here are a couple of pictures of the false start. I really thought Jonas needed an updated look and this was the only one I could find I even remotely liked and would actually appear he'd done something different with the same haircut. Okay, I don't think it looks bad, but it just didn't look like Jonas, so back his hair went to that EA/Humble hair. Oh, the Humble hair does look Victorian, I guess and I've look at Jonas with it for so long, nothing else seems right. :p
Although, if you guys like this hair, I'll change it. :D Sorry, these seem to be the best pictures I have of him with it.

Take care,