Well, I don't know if it was procrastination because I just had a feeling this update was going to be difficult, or the driving urge for a pumpkin pie; but it seemed to take me forever to get to this update today.
Anyway, regardless, it's here.
Pollux, Part 1, The Search Begins has been added.

I used the Hula move to make it look like he was holding Kerrin's shoulder. I laughed the whole time he was doing it. Xavier just didn't seem so tough anymore. :D
Thank you everyone for reading, commenting on and following all of my stories!! It really does mean a lot to me.
Take care,
I was so excited to see this update and as always, you never fail to disappoint.
I do hope you try and do something more with your writing (maybe try to get it published?). You've got the talent for both storytelling and world creation!
Hey jarasing, as always, thank you. I love doing the SoM probably the most, even though the rest are great fun, too. But I just love Kerrin and the rest, and since it's a continuing story, I can just ramble along and create the world as I go. SoM is really my baby. :D
Ah, trying to publish. Short version: been there, done that made the best decision I could at the time; but in retrospect, not so sure. Didn't I notice an FAQ on your site that you had a LJ account? My user name at LJ is lachesissom contact me there and I'll give you the long version, if you're interested. :D (I suck at LJ, I know nothing about it, I just signed up to join some of the communities so I don't know how to find anyone there. :p )
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