Chapter Fifteen has finally made it online. After a few false starts, and an interruption caused by my Photoshopping some of the pictures for the next simfic50 update (and it's still not ready. Soon, however), it's finished and up.
Here are a couple of pictures of the false start. I really thought Jonas needed an updated look and this was the only one I could find I even remotely liked and would actually appear he'd done something different with the same haircut. Okay, I don't think it looks bad, but it just didn't look like Jonas, so back his hair went to that EA/Humble hair. Oh, the Humble hair does look Victorian, I guess and I've look at Jonas with it for so long, nothing else seems right. :p
Although, if you guys like this hair, I'll change it. :D Sorry, these seem to be the best pictures I have of him with it.

Take care,
I like the different hairstyle, and you can certainly justify changing it. I know what you mean though -- I have a character I've worked with for almost 2 years now, grew to HATE his hair, and finally just swapped it out since it wasn't a drastic change. However, some of them still have the same goofy hair they were "born" with 3 years ago since nothing else looks "right." It's so hard to find good male hair anyway.
And those shots are great! The soft, warm lighting and the contrast between the deep pink of Cheyenne's dress and the reds is wonderful. hard to pull off those two colors together but you do it.
What I found so amazing was how much younger Jonas looks with the hair. I have to say, the more I look at the pictures, the more I like it. And I really don't Humble's hair.
Getting stuck on one hair style is easy. That's what I like about Cheyenne, I think almost every update has a different style.
Thank you, I normally don't like the two colors together, but since they are both in the same color range, they work. And Cheyenne just always looks so much better in bright colors.
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