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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Okay, I'm Feeble :)

I know I said Chapter Twenty-Six was the end of Out of Touch, Out of Time. However, after sleeping on it and then looking at it today, I realize there are just some loose ends that I need to tie up. So, I've written an Epilogue. It's short, but I now feel like the story's complete. :)

I'll post a quick notice to let you know when it's up. It shouldn't take terribly long, it's less than 500 words, no more than about three pictures.

Also, at the bottom of the Epilogue, I've included a note explaining how the two timelines differ.

Now, the story is complete. This time I feel comfortable with it. Thank you all for reading.

Take care,


S.B. said...

LOL don't worry about it. I kept thinking I'd reached the end and kept pushing it back because it wasn't quite there yet.

Will look forward to seeing what you add!

Unknown said...

Yes, S.B. It's funny how you just always seem to know when the end is there and when it isn't. :)

Thanks, no later than this Sunday, I'm sure. It's really not a lot. :)

thewynd said...

I think the epilogue is a wonderful idea and I especially like the time line comparison between both eras. Looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Gayl, I really think it needs it. And as for the time line, I know what I intended, but just by the nature of the story I couldn't cover it, and do want you to know what happened both times. :) Actually, I'm supposed to be doing that tonight but got sidetracked by something else. :)

thewynd said...

Ooh!! Sidetracked??? Why do I get the feeling I am going to love what sidetracked you...unless it has absolutely nothing to do with your stories and if not, never mind! LOL!

Unknown said...

Actually, Gayl, not a story, a question posted here. Let me guess, when you see it, I'm going to say your choice will Sébastien. LOL

thewynd said...

LOL!! Am I THAT predictable??? I may surprise you...but then I haven't seen the question...

Unknown said...

Only a feeling because we already more or less talked about it. LOL