I don't usually talk about non-Sim related items here, but something happened to me on Friday that I want to pass along.
In this world where we all think no one really cares any more, where you go to a fast food restaurant and get a sloppily made hamburger and stone-cold fries, a pop that's either too carbonated or too syrupie, or many other things we deal with on a daily basis, I found a man who was willing to go an extra step for me. :D
A couple of weeks ago, I ordered an HP computer for work. When it was shipped and the tracking came out, I saw it was set for FedEx Home Ground delivery. Well, I didn't worry, the local terminal would know we're a business, right? After all, we ship with them all the time. Well, as the day wore on and no delivery arrived, I began to worry, so I called the 800 number. Well, there was nothing they could do, it was the shipper's fault, not theirs and so on and so forth. But she could make a notation that we'd close at noon on Friday and not be there Saturday and hopefully the computer would get delivered Tuesday at the latest and not get shipped back to HP.
After a sleepless night, I went to work Friday and looked in my files finding a local FedEx number. Everyone was wonderfully helpful, and the guy at the home delivery terminal told me he'd try to get the driver to bring it to us before noon. Well, the office guy called back, the driver couldn't make it, but he'd bring it to me personally, after all they were just in the next city over. By 10:00 Friday morning the office worker at FedEx had personally brought me the new computer, saying these things happen -
he didn't place the blame on anyone. It's so wonderful to know that there are still some generous, caring people that I just had to pass this on.
Anyway, to the real reason for this post,
Out of Touch, Out of Time, Chapter 21 is up. :D

Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,