Hum, funny, I could have sworn our Holiday break from work wasn't supposed to start until the 24th and we'd be returning on the 3rd. Nice long break, no?
So, why is it everyone but me got the memo that that included today as well? Well, actually it didn't, but we're a very small company and everyone who hadn't already taken the day off just seemed to find something else to do away from the office. Well, sure, I could have "found" some work to do, but why should I when no one else bothered to? Hum? I knew they weren't working and they were certainly not stuck in the office.
So, instead, I looked in my drafts folder for Presents and found two updates I hadn't done anything with.
So, at Lachesis Presents there's an update featuring Scott Phury, Actor.
And my TS3 vampire, Kendrick Daye.
These are just some game shots and impressions of the EP Late Night. As usual no story, just some bits you can expect from the game. I generally post these here for my blog buddies just to show them what's new and different in TS3.
I also try to just show off the silly things from the game as well.
Take care,
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Simfic50 Prompt Enigma
And from out of the woodwork comes a new Angels' Cloud.
Prompt 045. Enigma here.
Pavia's a great Sim dog. As a rule I don't have to do anything with him except the usual pet control cheats because he just stands around or he's really, really good at looking at something I want him to all by himself. But today it was getting late, we'd been going at this for hours and for some reason, he just started barking and playing with everyone. While I was putting together the final picture, Damian and Pavia took a play break.
Thank you everyone for reading and I'm sorry there are such insane lags between updates on this story.
Take care,
Prompt 045. Enigma here.
Pavia's a great Sim dog. As a rule I don't have to do anything with him except the usual pet control cheats because he just stands around or he's really, really good at looking at something I want him to all by himself. But today it was getting late, we'd been going at this for hours and for some reason, he just started barking and playing with everyone. While I was putting together the final picture, Damian and Pavia took a play break.
Thank you everyone for reading and I'm sorry there are such insane lags between updates on this story.
Take care,
Monday, November 15, 2010
Guardian's Key Upate (So Much Later Than I Intended)
OMG, I never meant to be away this long, and frankly, I'm can't even begin to say what the next few months are going to hold. Hopefully, I'm going to get my shit together soon.
When I started this more than two years ago, Sea of Moons was the only story I'd intended to do, then I came up with Out of Touch, Out of Time, but at least I finished that. I should have quit while I was ahead, but noooo, I decided I wanted to do a vampire story and a Steampunk story. I had so much more of whatever I needed to do this a year ago.
I still love all my stories, and want so badly to finish them, and I will, but I just can't stick to a schedule at this time.
So, I'm offering breadcrumbs when I can, and here's today's:
Guardian's Key, Part 6.
I should mention, that with this update, I start completing Kerrin and Lessa's story. From this point forward, I will be tying up any loose ends left behind from A Vampire's Tale. Or, just answering any questions that started there and have wound their way through what I'd like to call the trilogy of Kerrin and Lessa's story.
Not to worry, we'll still be following Telaan and gang around to solve Adrostos' little problem of the casque that the Guardian's Key will open.
Thank you all for hanging around.
Take care,
When I started this more than two years ago, Sea of Moons was the only story I'd intended to do, then I came up with Out of Touch, Out of Time, but at least I finished that. I should have quit while I was ahead, but noooo, I decided I wanted to do a vampire story and a Steampunk story. I had so much more of whatever I needed to do this a year ago.
I still love all my stories, and want so badly to finish them, and I will, but I just can't stick to a schedule at this time.
So, I'm offering breadcrumbs when I can, and here's today's:
Guardian's Key, Part 6.
I should mention, that with this update, I start completing Kerrin and Lessa's story. From this point forward, I will be tying up any loose ends left behind from A Vampire's Tale. Or, just answering any questions that started there and have wound their way through what I'd like to call the trilogy of Kerrin and Lessa's story.
Not to worry, we'll still be following Telaan and gang around to solve Adrostos' little problem of the casque that the Guardian's Key will open.
Thank you all for hanging around.
Take care,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Lachesis Presents Update
Yes, the picture above is from Late Night which I got last Tuesday, but the two updates, The Ward Family Parts 1 and 2 don't have anything to do with Late Night, I'll be posting that later on.
One thing I do have to say about Late Night is that the guys at EA had to not only have come up with the breast slider, but they also created all the women. I've had "Silicone sister, with the manager mister," stuck in my head for a week.
Also, Drew, got a picture at the Presents update just for ya. ;)
I do have plans to get a GK out soon, but I have to go into the game and build a set, so you know how that can be.
Sorry, I don't have more in the storytelling line, but I haven't forgotten, I haven't given up, and I will be back with stories.
Take care,
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Good News/Bad News
As some people know, I write romances in hopes of becoming published. Recently, one of my paranormal manuscripts captured the attention of a romance publishing house and they are interested in seeing more of it. What, if anything, comes of that interest, at this point I have no idea. However, the line I'm targeting it for requires 77,000 words and I have less than 16,000 written.
So, that's the good news. The bad news? I'm going to have even less time for the Sims. I'm going to do my very best to get a new schedule figured out so I can still post Sims stories, get some work done on the catalog, and write. Most likely what's going to suffer the most is my play time.
I had had great hopes of getting Guardian's Key out this weekend, but first I have to get a schedule worked out. Hopefully, Sea of Moons will be back before long, and Wake the Dead following not too far behind.
As always, thank you everyone for reading and now bearing with me.
Take care,
So, that's the good news. The bad news? I'm going to have even less time for the Sims. I'm going to do my very best to get a new schedule figured out so I can still post Sims stories, get some work done on the catalog, and write. Most likely what's going to suffer the most is my play time.
I had had great hopes of getting Guardian's Key out this weekend, but first I have to get a schedule worked out. Hopefully, Sea of Moons will be back before long, and Wake the Dead following not too far behind.
As always, thank you everyone for reading and now bearing with me.
Take care,
Monday, August 30, 2010
TS3 Activity at Lachesis Presents
I'm also adding Sims and whatever else I may feel like as downloads. There are three Sims there at present, Leta, Mack and Kiku.
Anyway, if you're interested in The Sims 3, or just want to see some of what's available with the game and its expansions, World Adventures and Ambitions, you might want to check it out. It's pretty simple and quick to look at. I'm not telling stories per se, but the pictures do follow along the lives of the Sims I'm playing. I have four families in Sunset Valley I rotate through. I have it set up so that I play a household for 14 days, it was 7 but that wasn't long enough; for three of those days, story progression and aging are turned on. I'm hoping this will allow the world to move on without too much insanity, but at the same time allow me to have more than one family in the neighborhood.
I play with a custom skin default and custom eye default. That's all the custom content I use, except for a pair of jeans I got from Club Crimsyn. I do not hack this game, which means, I have to have to find ways around the bugs.
The two annoying bugs I've found are:
1. After playing tag or anything that causes autonomous running the Sim won't walk again, they only run. To fix this, I evict the entire family with house to the clipboard. I bulldoze the house left on the lot, then stick family and house back on the empty lot it came from.
2. When you change the active household, don't leave any garden produce, caught fish or leftovers in the refrigerator, it won't be there when you go back to the household. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm hoping that putting it in my gardener's personal inventory will work since I don't lose the personal inventory any more.
Take care,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Tiny Break
Or finish, as the case may be.
Thank you everyone for reading and bearing with my recent sporadic posts, it's very much appreciated.
Take care,
(Yes, that's my self-Sim. I tried to do one in TS2 and never could. It's so nice to know I have a TS3 face. ;D)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Guardian's Key Update
Sea of Moons, Guardian's Key Temple of Aodh Part II is finally up. Sorry for the delay, but I just couldn't seem to get it to sound the way I wanted. Not sure it still does, but you can only rewrite something so long before it becomes overwritten. :)
Take care,
Take care,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Late. Again. *sigh*
O-kay, it's official, I can't make Sundays despite trying. :)
Late again. Guardian's Key up next, hopefully soon.
Take care,
Late again. Guardian's Key up next, hopefully soon.
Take care,
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bringing Back the Schedule
As you can see, a new Sea of Moons, Guardian's Key Part 5, The Temple of Aodh, Part I. Telaan is finally found, but will they be able to save him now that they found him?
It appears that Wake the Dead has decided to take on a life of its own, and I can't see completing it at any time in the near future, so, rather than put SoM off any longer, I'm reinstating the old rotation schedule. Frankly, I've missed SoM and my characters.
Oh, and this special post is early, the normal schedule will again be Sunday's if at all possible.
Also, I want to thank S@ndy for sending me a tutorial on doing Telaan's chains. Yeah, I know, you sent that to me ages ago, but I'm slow. It made getting this update completed that much easier.
Take care,
It appears that Wake the Dead has decided to take on a life of its own, and I can't see completing it at any time in the near future, so, rather than put SoM off any longer, I'm reinstating the old rotation schedule. Frankly, I've missed SoM and my characters.
Oh, and this special post is early, the normal schedule will again be Sunday's if at all possible.
Also, I want to thank S@ndy for sending me a tutorial on doing Telaan's chains. Yeah, I know, you sent that to me ages ago, but I'm slow. It made getting this update completed that much easier.
Take care,
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Annoying Side of Life (Something Different)
Do you ever get a song that takes up residence in your head and refuses to go away? Well this is mine, just thought I'd share.
I really do love Rob Thomas and Matchbox Twenty, although this is just Rob Thomas from his Cradlesong CD; but really, just when I think it's gone away, it comes back. Yes, RL has been going a smidgen off track recently, but just the same...
Real World '09 - Rob Thomas - Las Vegas 10/24/09
Take care,
PS: There's a post under this that I also put up today regarding WtD. Look down.
I really do love Rob Thomas and Matchbox Twenty, although this is just Rob Thomas from his Cradlesong CD; but really, just when I think it's gone away, it comes back. Yes, RL has been going a smidgen off track recently, but just the same...
Real World '09 - Rob Thomas - Las Vegas 10/24/09
Take care,
PS: There's a post under this that I also put up today regarding WtD. Look down.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Temporarily Missing
Well, since I really must have new expansions on the day they come out, and since no store in my area felt it necessary to discount Ambitions the first week, I decided I had to get my money's worth out of it. So, I'm buried knee-deep in TS3 at the moment, but I will return with story updates.
It should come as no surprise I decided to play the Investigator career first. Below are a few pictures of Mack Stone, Investigator.
This is the Laundromat in Twinbrook, but your Sims can purchase either a cheap washer and dryer or an expensive washer and dryer for the home. If you keep their clothes clean, it improves their overall mood, and it's actually kind of fun. There's even a clothesline if you want to hang the clothes outside.
Yup, the chopper is a new vehicle. Mack's not exactly dressed to perfection for it, but that's how I dress him for his Investigator duties. I have to constantly change him from EA's stupid looking clothing choice. Since he works on his own time and not in a rabbit hole, he can wear whatever I put him in, not what EA thinks he should wear.
This is an autonomous Investigator action.
And this is Mack doing surveillance. The outfit is EA's and hum, yes, he's spying on those two women using his pom-pom bushes. I guess that 's hiding in plain sight. Seriously, some of the things EA comes up with are almost too strange for my warped brain.
Take care,
It should come as no surprise I decided to play the Investigator career first. Below are a few pictures of Mack Stone, Investigator.
Take care,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Quickly Stopping By
I've spent some time this weekend working on the Posebox Catalog. I'll admit, I don't have everything tagged exactly the way I want it yet, the site isn't exactly the way I want it yet, but I made definite progress, and I hope to continue along that same line.
I have added a new catalog for instruments. There turned out to be many more of them than I'd originally thought.
Hopefully, next week will be back to storytelling as usual.
Something a little different, below is the Sim I'm presently messing around with in TS3. He's actually not too bad looking. I'm sure there are some people out there who can make a TS3 Sim look as good as a TS2 Sim, but I haven't been able to manage that, not that I've tried real hard either. But I am rather pleased with Gage and to my total amazement he was an EA created Sim to begin with that I just made a few changes to. Now, I'll admit straight up, I play the game pretty much vanilla. I've merely added custom skin defaults and a chest hair overlay, that's it for Non-EA cc and hacks. TS3 is used for playing - period.

Take care,
I have added a new catalog for instruments. There turned out to be many more of them than I'd originally thought.
Hopefully, next week will be back to storytelling as usual.
Something a little different, below is the Sim I'm presently messing around with in TS3. He's actually not too bad looking. I'm sure there are some people out there who can make a TS3 Sim look as good as a TS2 Sim, but I haven't been able to manage that, not that I've tried real hard either. But I am rather pleased with Gage and to my total amazement he was an EA created Sim to begin with that I just made a few changes to. Now, I'll admit straight up, I play the game pretty much vanilla. I've merely added custom skin defaults and a chest hair overlay, that's it for Non-EA cc and hacks. TS3 is used for playing - period.
Take care,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Somthing Old Revisited
Yup, really, honestly, an Angels' Cloud update at Falderal. 010. Dark

My love of fantasy took root and sprung wings in this update. Believe me when I say Angels' Cloud took a turn even I wasn't expecting. But really, we're looking for a doorway to an alternate reality, isn't that pretty much fantasy to begin with?
Take care,

My love of fantasy took root and sprung wings in this update. Believe me when I say Angels' Cloud took a turn even I wasn't expecting. But really, we're looking for a doorway to an alternate reality, isn't that pretty much fantasy to begin with?
Take care,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Hope your day has gone well, and filling. :)
I'm working on the next WtD - finally found what I wanted in cc and have been getting it recolored to suit me.
Lastly, just for shits and giggles, if you thought TS2 had the scariest townies in the world, you haven't seen what TS3 can come up with. I have a feeling she's a coward because she started to freak out while standing there.
Take care,
I'm working on the next WtD - finally found what I wanted in cc and have been getting it recolored to suit me.
Lastly, just for shits and giggles, if you thought TS2 had the scariest townies in the world, you haven't seen what TS3 can come up with. I have a feeling she's a coward because she started to freak out while standing there.
Take care,
Monday, February 8, 2010
Posebox Catalog Now Has Official Site
Lachesis' PB Catalog is now online. Finally after months of trying to figure this out, with Goodbye_sun's ever generous support and help, it's finally far enough along to post.
This site is a baby at this time, and ugly as hell. There are no links to anything except the boxes. Links to tags and relevant sites will be added along the way. We have a handful of boxes yet to get ready to upload and we should then be caught up, but the creators are adding new boxes all the time.
Thank you everyone for the help and support, and I hope you all find this new catalog easier to use and more helpful than the last.
The present catalog will remain up for the next couple of months, once everyone is used to using the new one it will be removed.
Take care,
This site is a baby at this time, and ugly as hell. There are no links to anything except the boxes. Links to tags and relevant sites will be added along the way. We have a handful of boxes yet to get ready to upload and we should then be caught up, but the creators are adding new boxes all the time.
Thank you everyone for the help and support, and I hope you all find this new catalog easier to use and more helpful than the last.
The present catalog will remain up for the next couple of months, once everyone is used to using the new one it will be removed.
Take care,
Monday, January 25, 2010
Posebox Reference List
Quick post to direct you all to Goodbye_sun's Posebox Reference List. It's a companion list, version one, to go with the catalog. It contains the names of the boxes, a picture of the box, link for the box and comments.
It will change as time goes along, and I'll let you know when it's updated.
Thank you Goodbye_sun. :)
It will change as time goes along, and I'll let you know when it's updated.
Thank you Goodbye_sun. :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Guardian's Key Update
Part 4, Cronus (III) posted. :)
It's my intention to step back and work on another project for a bit here. I may or may not make it with the next Wake the Dead this week as there is an involved set I need to put together for it. I don't like leaving everyone hanging, but I need to get myself caught up. I messed around last week trying to clear my creative brain from the mess it'd gotten into recently and realized I need to completely clear one project off my plate, so that's where I'm going.
Also, Drew has posted Pose box whimsy an interesting look at innovative ways to use pose boxes.
Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,
It's my intention to step back and work on another project for a bit here. I may or may not make it with the next Wake the Dead this week as there is an involved set I need to put together for it. I don't like leaving everyone hanging, but I need to get myself caught up. I messed around last week trying to clear my creative brain from the mess it'd gotten into recently and realized I need to completely clear one project off my plate, so that's where I'm going.
Also, Drew has posted Pose box whimsy an interesting look at innovative ways to use pose boxes.
Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Ever Wonder How Kerrin Became a Vampire?
Simfic50 prompt 016. Death at Lachesis' Falderal.
Have you ever tried to take serious pictures of an EA poker game? If you're lucky 1 out of 10 pictures will be usable, and that's spending a good amount of time just watching the game play hoping for a decent expression. I never realized before how stupid a Sim looks playing poker.
Chryses makes the cutest kid. She is always so serious. :)
She also makes a very good looking man. Meet her father, Cael. And if you think you recognized Kerrin's bar, you do, although at this time he doesn't own it.
Enjoy. A new Guardian's Key update will appear sometime during the week since I've dropped the Sunday update schedule. As you can see, it also gives me time to add extras from time to time.
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Have you ever tried to take serious pictures of an EA poker game? If you're lucky 1 out of 10 pictures will be usable, and that's spending a good amount of time just watching the game play hoping for a decent expression. I never realized before how stupid a Sim looks playing poker.
Chryses makes the cutest kid. She is always so serious. :)
She also makes a very good looking man. Meet her father, Cael. And if you think you recognized Kerrin's bar, you do, although at this time he doesn't own it.
Enjoy. A new Guardian's Key update will appear sometime during the week since I've dropped the Sunday update schedule. As you can see, it also gives me time to add extras from time to time.
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Some Days...
With the new year things are likely to change a bit. Yup, I'll update every week, or really try to. Yup, WtD and SoM will continue to alternate. Yup, I'll toss in the shorter bits here and there. But, the weekly updates may or may not be on Sunday. It will now be whatever day I manage to get them completed.
Also, the pose box catalog reorganization is coming along slow but sure.
Take care,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Wow! Close, but I made it.
And by the way, please note the comment above about the changes in the pose box catalog. Hopefully it won't take that long, but I didn't get as much done on it during the Christmas break as I'd hoped.
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
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