Posebox Catalog links are at this website. Lachesis' Posebox Catalog

Friday, March 20, 2009

Box by Crimsyn Club

This one I was really curious about. I'm a big fan of aikea-guinea so I actually put it ahead of some others. I really like the size of the box. The one I used had a couple of glitches in the pose choices, but otherwise worked really well. Anyway, they're in Sit and Lay, again at the bottom.

And, the pose box that says "Black & Pink Cat Creature (No Real Name)" is so named because the buy mode name is "Paul's Reaction Test" (or whatever that is). Obviously the creator forgot to change the name, so I'm posting the link to the box here so you know which box it is. It's by Netshow at Sim Cave.

Take care,

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