Posebox Catalog links are at this website. Lachesis' Posebox Catalog

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today's Update

There are a few items today. First, Sea of Moons has been updated, The Siren finally sends them in the proper direction.

Second, the members of the Sims2 Writers Alliance have generously allowed me to join their family. The link to the SWA is in the sidebar; and by next week, I'll have links to all their Sims2 stories up as well. Please be sure to check them out as they're a very talented group of storytellers. Thank you all, for letting me join. :D

Lastly, the pose box project is still on, even though I've been a couple of days getting it updated. Don't expect anything before later in the week, however, unless something changes. I'm trying to get caught up on my reading list, as well as put together the next Angels' Cloud update.

I looked up and thought,
"Okay, Ixchel, tell me what you really think of Kerrin."

As always:

Thank you everyone for reading and commenting!

Take care,

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