This is the story of Shani and Kai's first meeting in the British Museum in 1815. Originally, it was intended for Sim Haven's December challenge to write only in dialog. Unfortunately, I only scanned the challenge while at work, and I had it written and the pictures taken when I looked at the challenge again, and realized I was one person short. So, I just moved it over to the simfic50 prompt Past and all's well. :)
There really is no place within the story to do this because at the point where Shani's thinking about their first meeting throwing a flashback in would only bog down the action taking place at the time.
I hope you enjoy this look at how Kai and Shani met.
Take care,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Guardian's Key Update
The never ending war with Acantha hasn't been kind to Cronus, as Kerrin finds out. Cronus, Part 1 here.
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Late Again :/
Hey everyone, unfortunately Sea of Moons, Guardian's Key, Cronus I is going to be late. Not next week late, just not today late. The update is written and the pictures are taken, finally, I just have to put the two together. So, within the next couple of days late.
But I will leave you with this taste of the next part in Adrostos' quest to find the Casque.
But I will leave you with this taste of the next part in Adrostos' quest to find the Casque.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Pose Box Update
I've just added a number of poses to sit, stand, lay, couple, and kneel catalogs.
Main Catalog Page
Thank you S.B. and Gayl, very much appreciated. :D
Main Catalog Page
Thank you S.B. and Gayl, very much appreciated. :D
Monday, November 30, 2009
I don't usually do reviews, but...

As a rule, I prefer Lachesis Presents to allow TS3 to speak for itself, but the further into the game I've gotten over the past five days, the more I've realized this is not your typical Sims game. In fact, with very few changes, The Adventure Company could package it up and sell it.
Saying that EA has misrepresented this game might be a bit harsh, but I don't think they've made it clear that it's not a vacation spot for your Sims. At least it hasn't been anything like I expected when I bought it. Granted, my reading at the site had been cursory at best, but I don't like to learn a lot ahead of time. I want to play the game and figure it out. Granted, I hadn't expected Bon Voyage, but I most certainly hadn't been expecting a Broken Sword game either.
Anyway, check out my review here: World Adventures - Bon Voyage it Ain't if you're in the least interested in this expansion pack.
I'm now returning to Egypt, I left Galen in the middle of the Great Pyramid...
Take care,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sims 3 Update - Finally
Well no surprise, I rushed out last night and bought World Adventures. It took me forever to get it installed because I didn't update the base game figuring the updates would be in with the DVD - nope, so if you haven't, update your base game before you install, it'll help save time. Also, I uninstalled Delphy's install hack - the only hack I have - and pulled out the folder with the small handful of non-EA cc. I had no problems, but I played without putting the stuff back, so Yuri, Leta and Aiden have EA skin and not my default replacement skin. *shudder*

Anyway, I've put Yuri's Journal up at Lachesis' Presents. Just a quick walk through of one of the tombs to give you an idea. It is a bit of a spoiler for the tomb located behind the base camp, so if you're not interested in a spoiler post, you might want to avoid it. :)
My game playing life started with Myst and Tomb Raider. From there, I've played a ton of Adventure Company games, all but two of the Tomb Raiders, Prince of Persia and every Myst game released. So, this EP is pretty much up my alley, even if it is very simple compared to the above. I did enjoy walking Yuri through the tomb. Unless there's a lot of randomness to this, however, I can see it getting to be the same old same old quickly. Frankly, I found Bon Voyage to have much more enjoyable vacation spots, but in all fairness, I did only go to Egypt for three days. I'll see as I get farther along.
Take care,

Anyway, I've put Yuri's Journal up at Lachesis' Presents. Just a quick walk through of one of the tombs to give you an idea. It is a bit of a spoiler for the tomb located behind the base camp, so if you're not interested in a spoiler post, you might want to avoid it. :)
My game playing life started with Myst and Tomb Raider. From there, I've played a ton of Adventure Company games, all but two of the Tomb Raiders, Prince of Persia and every Myst game released. So, this EP is pretty much up my alley, even if it is very simple compared to the above. I did enjoy walking Yuri through the tomb. Unless there's a lot of randomness to this, however, I can see it getting to be the same old same old quickly. Frankly, I found Bon Voyage to have much more enjoyable vacation spots, but in all fairness, I did only go to Egypt for three days. I'll see as I get farther along.
Take care,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Guardian's Key Update & Misc.
I've recently realized that I'm not happy with the writing on Guardian's Key. And the more I've been writing on Wake the Dead, and the non-Sim story I'm working on, the more I realize just what it is I'm not happy with.
So I've gone back and pulled Guardian's Key out of the finished pile, put finishing Wake the Dead on hold and jumped back into the story. Starting with this update, you'll see more fleshing out of the characters. You'll finally get to see into the head of whichever character the update follows through point-of-view.
This is essentially Kerrin and Lessa's story. The quest belongs to Adrostos, but the story is theirs. You deserve to know how they feel, and finally I'm going to give that to you.
Hopefully, you'll like the new direction the writing is taking. The story has not changed it's still traveling toward its pre-destined end. Nothing can change what the Spirits and kader have planned.
Guardian's Key Savitri, Part II
Also I want to mention a new addition to my pose box links in the sidebar. xtinabobina has a catalog she's been putting together and will be providing poses that you may not find at our pose box catalog. Looking for something you can't find at the catalog? Check out hers here.
So I've gone back and pulled Guardian's Key out of the finished pile, put finishing Wake the Dead on hold and jumped back into the story. Starting with this update, you'll see more fleshing out of the characters. You'll finally get to see into the head of whichever character the update follows through point-of-view.
This is essentially Kerrin and Lessa's story. The quest belongs to Adrostos, but the story is theirs. You deserve to know how they feel, and finally I'm going to give that to you.
Hopefully, you'll like the new direction the writing is taking. The story has not changed it's still traveling toward its pre-destined end. Nothing can change what the Spirits and kader have planned.
Guardian's Key Savitri, Part II
Also I want to mention a new addition to my pose box links in the sidebar. xtinabobina has a catalog she's been putting together and will be providing poses that you may not find at our pose box catalog. Looking for something you can't find at the catalog? Check out hers here.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Guardian's Key - Getting Closer to Telaan
New character and new information about Eris and Telaan here. :D
I admit it, I get bored while I'm getting everyone together and in place at the start of an update, and since Lessa had just done the "So Hot" action to Kerrin, I played along. :)
Thank you everyone for reading.
Take care,
I admit it, I get bored while I'm getting everyone together and in place at the start of an update, and since Lessa had just done the "So Hot" action to Kerrin, I played along. :)
Thank you everyone for reading.
Take care,
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Guardian's Key Update
Part 2 - Vijaya here. Telaan must be found before it is too late, but where to look for the Temple of Aodh?
Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,
Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,
Monday, October 5, 2009
Projects Overtaking my Mind
"Well, in our country," said Alice, still panting a little, "you'd generally get to somewhere else -- if you ran very fast for a long time, as we've been doing."
"A slow sort of country!" said the Queen. "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"
(Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 2)
I've had so many things come to mind for me lately. My list of to dos follows. :)
I have an Angels' Cloud I want to Sim and post and an idea for the next prompt I don't have written,
I have six pose boxes I want to put together,
I have Wake the Dead to finish writing and get Simmed for this Sunday,
tons of Sireta's Blog written and pictures taken that have to be put together into an update,
I have the Solitude prompt to Sim for simfic50 and
one other project I want to get written and then Simmed. :)
This list does not include sets that need to be built for all my stories and skins I desperately need to get done. I also need to design tattoos for Chandra Elves and for followers of the Guide.
So, I'm extremely behind on my reading, I'm sorry. I'll have a couple of days vacation time from my full-time job later this month. I'm really hoping to get at least partially caught up then. I'm not ignoring anyone, just running behind.
Thank you all who take time from your own busy schedules to read my stories.
Take care,
"A slow sort of country!" said the Queen. "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"
(Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 2)
I've had so many things come to mind for me lately. My list of to dos follows. :)
I have an Angels' Cloud I want to Sim and post and an idea for the next prompt I don't have written,
I have six pose boxes I want to put together,
I have Wake the Dead to finish writing and get Simmed for this Sunday,
tons of Sireta's Blog written and pictures taken that have to be put together into an update,
I have the Solitude prompt to Sim for simfic50 and
one other project I want to get written and then Simmed. :)
This list does not include sets that need to be built for all my stories and skins I desperately need to get done. I also need to design tattoos for Chandra Elves and for followers of the Guide.
So, I'm extremely behind on my reading, I'm sorry. I'll have a couple of days vacation time from my full-time job later this month. I'm really hoping to get at least partially caught up then. I'm not ignoring anyone, just running behind.
Thank you all who take time from your own busy schedules to read my stories.
Take care,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Part 1 - Mist Hollow (III) now up at Sea of Moons.
I get very few outtakes any more between pose boxes and always having freewill off. But sometimes, I forget and leave freewill on and actually get an outtake or two. :) They were waiting for Lessa to do a wardrobe change.
Thank you all for reading.
Take care,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Really, They're Not Abandoned Sites
Added pose boxes to Stand, Sit, Lay, Kneel and Couples
And some TS2 fun - I really didn't know the dog could eat the homework. :) The girl in pink whose homework it is seems a little too happy.
Take care,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
One Last Word on Stealing
On Sunday morning I received an email from a fellow Sims Storyteller telling me that my story, Out of Touch, Out of Time, seemed to have been posted on Perfect Sims' website along with many other writers' work.
I already made one post on this topic at the Sims Writers Alliance on Sunday before I had a chance to calm down a bit. Yes, I was and am angry. We've all been violated, and we're working to get the site removed. There is nothing more we can really do at this time.
However, I'm mentioning this one last time because in my case, I believe they thought they weren't technically stealing as they changed Cheyenne's name - although they used Jonas'. They also did some very poor rewriting; removing my exposition and writing it more like a script than a story.
My pictures don't show up on the site, at least when I visit it, because Google and Picasa don't like to be hotlinked. I do have enough knowledge to know if I go to the webpage and view the page source my pictures are embedded in the code. When I copy and paste them into a browser page, they show up as, indeed, mine. There is no question that the story they have there under the title The Sea of Moons is Out of Touch, Out of Time.
In my case, they only completed two chapters. Others, however, had much more of their work translated and stolen.
The point I'm making here is that regardless of whether the story is stolen in its entirety, or the plot and essence of the story is taken and used, it is still stealing. Hotlinking the pictures only adds to the crime.
This has, unfortunately, affected many good storytellers, many of whom you've been reading far longer than me. These people have always been open and helpful. I'm sorry to see that the Sims Community for all it's wonderful, helpful and creative people, still has the element of abuse infecting it.
'Nuf said from me, I've been very vocal about this entire thing. Now, I'll work behind the scenes trying to get the site removed, and move on with my stories as I always have. Just a little older and wiser these days.
I already made one post on this topic at the Sims Writers Alliance on Sunday before I had a chance to calm down a bit. Yes, I was and am angry. We've all been violated, and we're working to get the site removed. There is nothing more we can really do at this time.
However, I'm mentioning this one last time because in my case, I believe they thought they weren't technically stealing as they changed Cheyenne's name - although they used Jonas'. They also did some very poor rewriting; removing my exposition and writing it more like a script than a story.
My pictures don't show up on the site, at least when I visit it, because Google and Picasa don't like to be hotlinked. I do have enough knowledge to know if I go to the webpage and view the page source my pictures are embedded in the code. When I copy and paste them into a browser page, they show up as, indeed, mine. There is no question that the story they have there under the title The Sea of Moons is Out of Touch, Out of Time.
In my case, they only completed two chapters. Others, however, had much more of their work translated and stolen.
The point I'm making here is that regardless of whether the story is stolen in its entirety, or the plot and essence of the story is taken and used, it is still stealing. Hotlinking the pictures only adds to the crime.
This has, unfortunately, affected many good storytellers, many of whom you've been reading far longer than me. These people have always been open and helpful. I'm sorry to see that the Sims Community for all it's wonderful, helpful and creative people, still has the element of abuse infecting it.
'Nuf said from me, I've been very vocal about this entire thing. Now, I'll work behind the scenes trying to get the site removed, and move on with my stories as I always have. Just a little older and wiser these days.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
With Days Like This...
This has by far not been my best of days. Nothing has gone right at any point during the day. I even tried to screw up a boxed brownie mix. Now how is that for sad? :p
But despite fighting me every step of the way by snapping out of position despite the fact I was using SL's shelf to place them, I've updated SoM Guardian's Key. Mist Hollow II has been posted. Yes, it is particularly short, but I'm still on the set up chapter. Unfortunately, everyone needs to know where they're going, how they're going to get there and why. :)
Take care,
But despite fighting me every step of the way by snapping out of position despite the fact I was using SL's shelf to place them, I've updated SoM Guardian's Key. Mist Hollow II has been posted. Yes, it is particularly short, but I'm still on the set up chapter. Unfortunately, everyone needs to know where they're going, how they're going to get there and why. :)
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Angels' Cloud Part 4 at Simfic50
Well, things went much smoother than I expected and I was able to get the next Angels' Cloud up after all. Which is good because that leaves tomorrow free to play catch up on reading the stories I follow. Guardian's Key will be back next Sunday. I'm leaving it on the every other week schedule so when Wake the Dead is ready for prime-time it'll slide into it's Lachesis' Tales slot without problem.
If you haven't played with Parsimonious' Balloons then you're missing out on a real treat. Even if you don't need them they are great fun to watch your Sim go up and up in them. :)
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
If you haven't played with Parsimonious' Balloons then you're missing out on a real treat. Even if you don't need them they are great fun to watch your Sim go up and up in them. :)
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Showing off ;D
I've been meaning to do these pictures forever, and I just haven't gotten back into Zachary's world until recently. I was there this week working on an update. So, while there, I decided I'd completely share his library with you. Since it took me weeks to put this thing together, and now that I have the plot worked out to the end, I don't think you'll ever see it again, I want to show off. I think this thing goes somewhere beyond normal detailed oriented. :p
First, ignore the omsp I forgot to remove from the library in the one picture. Believe me, it was one among hundreds. Also, you may or may not notice, I was so hung up in making clutter, I forgot to put a door in.
Second, I want to thank everyone of the great cc creators out there. Without them, this type of story could never be told with the Sims.
A new Angels' Cloud is forthcoming, but I'll be honest, working on this is very time-consuming because I'm very detail oriented with it, so I hope to have it in the near future, but that depends on how I think the pictures look. This is one case of being very picky.
Take Care,
First, ignore the omsp I forgot to remove from the library in the one picture. Believe me, it was one among hundreds. Also, you may or may not notice, I was so hung up in making clutter, I forgot to put a door in.
Second, I want to thank everyone of the great cc creators out there. Without them, this type of story could never be told with the Sims.
A new Angels' Cloud is forthcoming, but I'll be honest, working on this is very time-consuming because I'm very detail oriented with it, so I hope to have it in the near future, but that depends on how I think the pictures look. This is one case of being very picky.
Take Care,
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sea of Moons is Back!
Guardian's Key has officially started! Part 1 - Mist Hollow I. Enjoy.
And everyone I know seems to have posted at least one update this past week. If I've been unusually absent from everywhere, I do apologize. I should be back on track next week. I just kinda got caught up in a Sims3 neighborhood I haven't even really taken pictures in, except a couple that were really strange. LOL
Thank you all for reading (and being patient with the six week delay between the end of The Search for Nanda and the start of Guardian's Key)!
Take care,
And everyone I know seems to have posted at least one update this past week. If I've been unusually absent from everywhere, I do apologize. I should be back on track next week. I just kinda got caught up in a Sims3 neighborhood I haven't even really taken pictures in, except a couple that were really strange. LOL
Thank you all for reading (and being patient with the six week delay between the end of The Search for Nanda and the start of Guardian's Key)!
Take care,
Sunday, August 30, 2009
New Simfic50 and Other News
A few items today. First a new simfic50 finally, and a new Sébastien to boot. Prompt 42 - Deception.

Next week Guardian's Key starts at Sea of Moons. At this point in time, I'm not sure what the schedule's going to be since Wake the Dead at Lachesis' Tales is not ready to start yet. I may post weekly on Sundays, or it may remain as bi-weekly still on Sundays, working on Wake the Dead behind the scenes on the off week until it's ready to be added to the schedule.
Whatever I decide, Guardian's Key is off and running next week and with that in mind, I give you the below teaser picture. This picture will not be seen in the story, but it will be explained very quickly.
cheripye has done an incredible job giving Kai a new home and business. We both want to thank you so very much for all your hard work, and all the cool new cc that's now at my fingertips to use at will. ;D (More pictures in the future, the lot's too beautiful not to be shared in depth.)
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,

Next week Guardian's Key starts at Sea of Moons. At this point in time, I'm not sure what the schedule's going to be since Wake the Dead at Lachesis' Tales is not ready to start yet. I may post weekly on Sundays, or it may remain as bi-weekly still on Sundays, working on Wake the Dead behind the scenes on the off week until it's ready to be added to the schedule.
Whatever I decide, Guardian's Key is off and running next week and with that in mind, I give you the below teaser picture. This picture will not be seen in the story, but it will be explained very quickly.
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bonus Update at SoM
Ghalt's Kader (Fate) has been posted at SoM. It stands alone and bridges The Search for Nanda and Guardian's Key.
I don't normally throw warnings up for my stories either, but since Ghalt's world is a bit deprived, I'm doing so this time.
This update has very strong language and nudity. Not going to it will not change your understanding of the other stories in any way if you choose not visit this update.
Thank you all for reading!
Take care,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Some Strangeness from My Game Playing :D
I really thought I read somewhere that with the ACR hack they wouldn't woohoo where they could be caught. Caught I think this is more than just caught. :D Quinn was certainly enjoying the show - or maybe not since at the time she was his girlfriend although she wound up marrying the guy she's woohooing. Quinn's immortal, maybe he's seen stuff like this in his past. This was strictly autonomous. I spend hours posing Sims for storytelling, I'll be damned if I'll do that when I'm playing. :D
I couldn't resist. I'm a cat owner. I've seen that face every time I hug one of my cats.
Ever wonder what they're really doing in the photobooth when they're supposed to be woohooing?
These are the two from the couch above. A little too close, I think.
I really love the looks on the animals' faces with the toddlers. Yeah, EA got it right.
Oops. One of Sally's kids. :D
Lousy timing. Sally's married to a vampire and she uses the elixir of life to stay young. They have the absolutely best looking kids.
This is a weird glitch I get. I don't know if it's my system, or graphic card, neither of which are the best, but not really that bad, either. Anyway, "resistance is futile."
I gave up and downloaded aikea_guinea's default replacement skin and chest hair overlay. Both of which have definitely improved Tris.
This is Sireta's son Valon. They're at the beach where she took him. She's teaching him to talk. I just really liked this picture. :D
Now you know where I've been. SoM will absolutely be back up and running September 6. I'm not sure at this time when Wake the Dead will start.
Take care,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August Challenge at Sim Haven
Take care,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hey Guys!
Just popping in very quickly to say:
New poses boxes every catalog but Weapons. Some nice new couple poses added. You know the drill.
Take care,
New poses boxes every catalog but Weapons. Some nice new couple poses added. You know the drill.
Take care,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sireta's Blog Update
I've posted Part 6 to Sireta's Blog. I'm sure it has become very obvious that this is going to be sporadic at best when it comes to how often you see an update.
Frankly, IMHO, Sims 3 is boring. I actually found Sims 2 very boring before they started adding the expansion packs and stuff packs. I'm not very good at playing the game just to watch relationships develop, kids be born and the generations pass, and since I have yet to figure out a good way to play multiple families, I can't even see my Sims make friends among other families I've created and grow together through the generations.
I've said many times that by the time EA added Apartment Life and Mansions and Gardens, TS2 had actually become a near perfect game.
I had no interest, whatsoever, in TS1 until Making Magic came out. From that point, I was intrigued and very quickly hooked. That, of course, explains why I feel that Apartment Life was the icing on a dark chocolate cake. :)
Someday, TS3 may, hopefully, be as good, but for now, I'll continue to play when the mood strikes me, I'll keep you all updated on Sireta and Tris, but really, my TS2 stories and gameplay do come first.
I would suggest you check out these TS3 stories:
World's Apart Sims 3 Tales
Take care,
Frankly, IMHO, Sims 3 is boring. I actually found Sims 2 very boring before they started adding the expansion packs and stuff packs. I'm not very good at playing the game just to watch relationships develop, kids be born and the generations pass, and since I have yet to figure out a good way to play multiple families, I can't even see my Sims make friends among other families I've created and grow together through the generations.
I've said many times that by the time EA added Apartment Life and Mansions and Gardens, TS2 had actually become a near perfect game.
I had no interest, whatsoever, in TS1 until Making Magic came out. From that point, I was intrigued and very quickly hooked. That, of course, explains why I feel that Apartment Life was the icing on a dark chocolate cake. :)
Someday, TS3 may, hopefully, be as good, but for now, I'll continue to play when the mood strikes me, I'll keep you all updated on Sireta and Tris, but really, my TS2 stories and gameplay do come first.
I would suggest you check out these TS3 stories:
World's Apart Sims 3 Tales
Take care,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Finally New Pose Boxes Added
Hi Everybody!
Well, part of my break was to get caught up to some extent on the pose boxes. To that end, I've added a few tonight. Go to the usual place.
Also, a couple of other things:
A new catalog was added to take care of all those odds and ends that just do not belong in the other catalogs: Miscellaneous.
Next I want to extend my thanks to:
Synaptic Sims Lair for graciously allowing us to use her screen captures instead of having to take our own. Thank you and great work! For all your super hero and other great cc visit her site.
Also, I want to thank Meralgia for volunteering to help with the pose boxes. Thank you so much (last time, I promise ;D)
Take care,
Well, part of my break was to get caught up to some extent on the pose boxes. To that end, I've added a few tonight. Go to the usual place.
Also, a couple of other things:
A new catalog was added to take care of all those odds and ends that just do not belong in the other catalogs: Miscellaneous.
Next I want to extend my thanks to:
Synaptic Sims Lair for graciously allowing us to use her screen captures instead of having to take our own. Thank you and great work! For all your super hero and other great cc visit her site.
Also, I want to thank Meralgia for volunteering to help with the pose boxes. Thank you so much (last time, I promise ;D)
Take care,
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Search for Nanda Concludes
Pollux Part 13, Waiting has been added to Sea of Moons.
I want to thank everyone who has followed along with this storyline. Those who comment and those who don't , I appreciate all your support, and putting up with the many turns this storyline took to finally get to the end. :)
With this update, I'm taking a break. Sea of Moons will return on Sunday, September 6th with a new quest, The Guardian's Key. Our trio no more than touch foot in Mist Hollow than they're almost immediately sent off again to try to destroy Ghalt's power.
Also I hope to start the next Lachesis' Tales in September. Wake the Dead is the now official name of my Vampire story. Since the dawn of time, Vampires have co-exited with normals without normals ever so much as suspecting they were any different. Now, because of one kind-hearted gesture, they are about to be discovered.
I'll be around during the break. I'm seriously hoping to get caught up on many other projects I just haven't had time to get to.
Take care,
I want to thank everyone who has followed along with this storyline. Those who comment and those who don't , I appreciate all your support, and putting up with the many turns this storyline took to finally get to the end. :)
With this update, I'm taking a break. Sea of Moons will return on Sunday, September 6th with a new quest, The Guardian's Key. Our trio no more than touch foot in Mist Hollow than they're almost immediately sent off again to try to destroy Ghalt's power.
Also I hope to start the next Lachesis' Tales in September. Wake the Dead is the now official name of my Vampire story. Since the dawn of time, Vampires have co-exited with normals without normals ever so much as suspecting they were any different. Now, because of one kind-hearted gesture, they are about to be discovered.
I'll be around during the break. I'm seriously hoping to get caught up on many other projects I just haven't had time to get to.
Take care,
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pollux Part 12 Added at SoM
Wow, this is honestly up faster than I'd anticipated. Pollux Part 12, Ghalt.
There is either one or two more updates before I finish this quest. The reason for one or two is because I'm thinking about consolidating the last two. I'll have to see how it reads and comes out before the decision is made.
Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,
There is either one or two more updates before I finish this quest. The reason for one or two is because I'm thinking about consolidating the last two. I'll have to see how it reads and comes out before the decision is made.
Thank you everyone for reading!
Take care,
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Pollux Part 11 Added at SoM
Well, the result of my working the past three days on this update is a very long (for me) update that answers a question or two, poses a question or two, introduces three new characters and is the first step toward setting up the action in Guardian's Key.
There a lot to this update, some things are not going to be clear, but those questions will be answered within the first few updates for Guardian's Key.
Pollux, Part 11 Nanda
I hope you enjoy.
Thank you all for reading.
Take care,
There a lot to this update, some things are not going to be clear, but those questions will be answered within the first few updates for Guardian's Key.
Pollux, Part 11 Nanda
I hope you enjoy.
Thank you all for reading.
Take care,
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